what causes transgender ?

so what causes transgender in the 1st palce?there are some cuses that we want to share with you.
Theories of both psychological and biological causality have been forwarded and it is quite likely there are different causes for different individual
Lately, strong research suggests that an incorrect amount of miss-timed secretion of male hormone during stages of fetal development may create a transgendered individual - whether male or female. Biologically, nature will produce a female unless male androgens are supplied at the right times and in the right amounts. There are physiological and mental gray areas between male and female "absolutes".
but the truth is...Transgenderism is a behavior and not an illness, mental or otherwise. They are not suffering from Multi-Personality disorder or Schizophrenia. The behavior is simply an expression of who they are; it is as intrinsically harmless as having blue eyes.
these are some picture we want to share with you guys about peope who having transgender problem and tend to change his sex,before and after surgery...
teting 1,2,3
hi..im farhana..btw..i want to wish selamat berpuasa=)
ok..now i will tell u my opinion about the causes of transgender.based on the internet,we know transgender is not an illness but behaviour.i agree with this actly.and what i found in the internet,the causes of transgender bcoz of biological problems(hormones).internet not discuss about others causes of transgender.
in my personal opinion,transgender happen bcoz of peers,'naluri berbeza dengan fizikal'(sorry i dont know how to explain it in ebglish),parents,a lot of pornography sites about trangender,mass media and try out.
hello...i'm ain..
This is a question still being explored by the scientific community and over past decades various theories have been proposed, however, current information is pointing toward genetics and physiology.
Throughout history the transgendered person has existed and it wasn’t until the major religions began to exert their “understanding” on the non-believers that people began to shun us.
It is basic human nature to shun what is not understood, and this often turns to fear of the unknown. There was no definable cause for the transgender person so this fear was natural even though misplaced.
There has not been a great deal of research into transgender condition because as I pointed out earlier it is not a common nor perceived to be of any significance to the scientific community. Most of the research has been sociological rather than medical including psychological. Often the research conducted has been done by people with vested interests in transgender and as such their conclusions have often been questioned by the scientific community or outright dismissed. This is changing.
Dating back to the late 1950’s and 60’s the train of thought was that cause was psychological, that it was a choice and as such the “cure” was through psychiatric means that today would be abusive. Forced behaviour modification was usually the treatment including electro shock therapy and drugged detention.
Dr. Harry Benjamin who is generally regarded as the leader in transsexual research began his studies in earnest in the late 1940’s at the request of Dr. Alfred Kinsey who referred a child transsexual to Dr. Benjamin. In contrast to the psychiatric community and its approach, Dr. Benjamin took a physiological approach. He began by treating transsexuals with hormones; Estrogen (Premarin®) to be exact, and reported a “calming effect” on his patients.
In 1954 he coined the term transsexualism (this obscure claim is often disputed and really is moot.) then embarked on a treatment path that included carefully selected members of the medical community. By and large, the psychiatric community of the day considered Benjamin’s approaches as contraindicated despite his successes in “treatment”
During this time the proposed causality was considered to be chromosomal, however once Benjamin’s treatments with hormones became more widely known, the thinking shifted toward hormonal release during pregnancy. It was thought that if hormonal release was not timed correctly the X-X chromosome of the female embryo would deviate from the X-X or X-Y (to create the male), would actually add an extra chromosome. This thinking lasted well into the late 1990’s until Genetic Researchers at UCLA discovered a genetic link.
hello... i'm ain.. i've just read the information about the causes of transgender.
There are a number of theories about why transgender people exist although there is
not yet scientific consensus.
When you look across cultures, you will find that people have had a wide range of
beliefs about gender. Some cultures look at people and see six genders, while others
see two. Some cultures have created specific ways for people to live in roles that are
different from that assigned to them at birth.
In addition, different cultures also vary in
their definitions of masculine and feminine. Whether we view someone as transgender
depends on the cultural lenses we are looking through as well as how people identify
Biologists tell us that sex is a complicated matter, much more complex than what we
may have been taught in school. A person has XX chromosomes is generally considered
female, while a person with XY chromosomes is generally considered male. However,
there are also people who have XXY, XYY, and other variations of chromosomes;
these genetic differences may or may not be visibly apparent or known to the person.
Some people are born with XY chromosomes, but are unable to respond to testosterone
and therefore develop bodies with a vagina and breasts, rather than a penis and
testes. A variation in gender may just be part of the natural order and there are more
varieties than we generally realize. People with biological differences in gender may be
considered intersex; they may or may not identify as transgender.
There are medical theories about why people are transgender. Some speculate that
fluctuations or imbalances in hormones or the use of certain medications during pregnancy
may cause intersex or transgender conditions. Other research indicates that
there are links between transgender identity and brain structure.
Some people believe that psychological factors are the reason for the existence of
transgender people. It is clear that there are people who are aware that they are transgender
from their earliest memories. Many trans people feel that their gender identity
is an innate part of them, an integral part of who they were born to be.
understanding transgender
1 National Center for Transgender Equality
Then there are people who feel that everyone has a right to choose whatever gender
presentation feels best to that individual. People should have the freedom to express
themselves in whatever way is right for them.
Sex and gender are complex issues. A huge variety of factors are at work in making
each individual the person that they are and there is no one reason that causes people
to be transgender. Trans people are part of the variety that makes up the human community.
hai friend..
i think that the transgender is because peer pressure..
i have senior from my secondary school be the transgender..he doesnt show that he like a women in my school..and he have a girlfriend too.
and when he back from kl last year, i was shock whwn see him be a woman..really like beautiful women and have a long hair..
i think he friend ur job was influence him...
so, one of factors of this issue is peer pressure...
How about family????
hello...very 'cut n paste' comment yeah..he3.
i would like to give some feedback according to what dilla said just now.
ok, i agree with dilla.what dilla said is true, one of the main factor is peer preasure.their friends provoc them to change their sex.but they teach step by step.what i mean just now, their friend will teach them how to be opposite gender,change the attitude, they way they talk n walk, and so many thing.and the worse part is when their friend provoc them to change their sex thru surgery or take pills to produce the opposite hormones.this is harmless.so here,we should befriend with some one u noe very well n avoid befriend with friends who will destroy our live thru doing all the stupid thing.
family???ok..tell u what.family is one of the factor.maybe in the minority causes.in certain cases,(example)- a boy was born in a family surrounded by boy siblings.then his dad wants a daughter,so his dad treat him to be a girl or the opposite case.when he grow up, he was believe he was born to be a girl not a man.reaaly sad yea.
ok another factor.some of the transgender having personality disorder,which is they think they was trap in the other body which is not belong to them.for example.a man who supposed to be a man,he think he not belong to me a man.he use to be a women becoz he think he was trap in the wrong body!
so, it truely become from peer pressure factors. so, how about the cause from family?? sometimes we see one family have much daughter from son. the son will influence their sisters in all activities like cooking, wash cloth,manage house and make up...so, i think the first cause of main cause for transgender is family too..how about you two?
by fadila.
to dilla, like i said in my latest comment,family which is environment causes to the transgender also one of the causes they becoame transgender.boy was born in a family surrounded by boy siblings.then his dad wants a daughter,so his dad treat him to be a girl or the opposite case.-thats what i talk about before.
yes, like u said just not, family expectation plays the role.sometimes they are not realizing they push their son/daughter to be somebody else.this will caught their son/daughter trap in so much pressure.for example, their more ( transgender mother) teach their son in artistic things like cooking,sewing,and makeup..sooner or later they believe they was born to be a women,not a man.
second thing, its comes naturally from the transgender person.nobody teach them to be the opposite sex.they just want to be like that,naturally.
hi. i want to add some point why transgender occur to make it clearly.
• Transsexuals are transgender people who live or wish to live full time as members of the gender opposite to their birth sex. Biological females who wish to live and be recognized as men are called female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals or transsexual men. Biological males who wish to live and be recognized as women are called male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals or transsexual women. Transsexuals usually seek medical interventions, such as hormones and surgery, to make their bodies as congruent as possible with their preferred gender. The process of transitioning from one gender to the other is called sex reassignment or gender reassignment.
• Cross-dressers or transvestites comprise the most numerous transgender group. Cross-dressers wear the clothing of the other sex. They vary in how completely they dress (from one article of clothing to fully cross-dressing) as well as in their motives for doing so. Some cross-dress to express cross-gender feelings or identities; others crossdress for fun, for emotional comfort, or for sexual arousal. The great majority of cross-dressers are biological males, most of whom are sexually attracted to women.
Many experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences in a person’s family of origin, and other social influences can all contribute to the development of transgender behaviors and identities.
Transgender people experience their transgender feelings in a variety of ways. Some can trace their transgender identities or gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors back to their earliest memories. Others become aware of their transgender identities or begin to experience gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors much later in life. Some transgender people accept or embrace their transgender feelings, while others struggle with feelings of shame or confusion. Some transgender people, transsexuals in particular, experience intense dissatisfaction with their birth sex or with the gender role associated with that sex. These individuals often seek sex reassignment.
hi ain n ana,
so from the all of ur all imformation n comment, i make a little conclusion that the cause of transgender is come from biologycal cause : they transgender have a genetic influence and family influence eg have more daughter in one family from son can bring the son be transgender.
the cause of transgender also come from peer pressure like friend provock them to be same like their(transgender), environment influence whwn they see more people be like that..talk n walk slowly like girl..use the women clothes, make up and so on.
by fadila
Most transgendered come from average "normal" families with nothing different happening to them than to their siblings, including same sex siblings. So transgendered is probably biological. We have hermaphrodites who are externally sexually different, so why should not some be internally different?. Chromosomes and hormones might be average in a transgendered for their apparent(visually) gender, but are they other unknowns in the brain and blood that are undiscovered as of yet? But, yeah, sure, if a child at an early age is brought up or indoctrinated into the wrong gender...then there could be life long problems.
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