INCARCERATED TRANSGENDER PEOPLE?? WHERE SHOULD THEY GO?? ain..i want to share with you some information about the effects of transgender.
let me share with you.. The term 'transgender' has most recently used to unify people with transgender identities including a wide variety of subpopulations that differ from traditional, existing gender norms. Transgender offenders encounter significant problems in the criminal justice system. some of the problems they encounter include the classification of their gender for incarcaration, access to health care and potential stereotyping by legal decision-makers. however, there is little psychological research on or legal scholarship regarding the forensic issues faced by this important and complex population.
Courts have typically categorized and placed transgender inmates according to their biological genitalia, such as in
Littleton v. Prange (1999),
Meriwether v.Faulker (1987), and
powell v. Shriver (1999).The U.S Bureau of Prisons has developed guidelines for handling arrests and incarceration of transgender inmates that is consistent with these decisions. therefore, biologically male transgender offenders with female gender identity are typically incarcerated in a male facility (prison). Inmates who realize their transgender identity after they are incarcerated would have the same concern.
These transgender inmates may be at risk for abuse by correctional officers and other inmates. The supreme Court considered violance againts transgender inmates in
Farmer v. Brennan (1994), where it held that a prison official violates an inmate's Eighth Amendment rirgts only when the official is subjectively aware of the risks of harm toward an inmate and purposefully ignores that risk-establishing a high burden of proof for the abused inmate. this potentially increased vulnerability to violence could result in constant fear for transgender inmates or other negative psychological effects.
However, little empirical researh has examined the effects of imprisoning transgender offenders based on biology, the prevalence of violence againts transgender inmates or the unique psychological problems they may experience while incarcerated.