Monday, August 17, 2009


INCARCERATED TRANSGENDER PEOPLE?? WHERE SHOULD THEY GO?? ain..i want to share with you some information about the effects of transgender.

let me share with you.. The term 'transgender' has most recently used to unify people with transgender identities including a wide variety of subpopulations that differ from traditional, existing gender norms. Transgender offenders encounter significant problems in the criminal justice system. some of the problems they encounter include the classification of their gender for incarcaration, access to health care and potential stereotyping by legal decision-makers. however, there is little psychological research on or legal scholarship regarding the forensic issues faced by this important and complex population.

Courts have typically categorized and placed transgender inmates according to their biological genitalia, such as in Littleton v. Prange (1999), Meriwether v.Faulker (1987), and powell v. Shriver (1999).

The U.S Bureau of Prisons has developed guidelines for handling arrests and incarceration of transgender inmates that is consistent with these decisions. therefore, biologically male transgender offenders with female gender identity are typically incarcerated in a male facility (prison). Inmates who realize their transgender identity after they are incarcerated would have the same concern.

These transgender inmates may be at risk for abuse by correctional officers and other inmates. The supreme Court considered violance againts transgender inmates in Farmer v. Brennan (1994), where it held that a prison official violates an inmate's Eighth Amendment rirgts only when the official is subjectively aware of the risks of harm toward an inmate and purposefully ignores that risk-establishing a high burden of proof for the abused inmate. this potentially increased vulnerability to violence could result in constant fear for transgender inmates or other negative psychological effects.

However, little empirical researh has examined the effects of imprisoning transgender offenders based on biology, the prevalence of violence againts transgender inmates or the unique psychological problems they may experience while incarcerated.


Blogger polaris said...

hello im farhana

based on Utusan Malaysia 2 ogos 2006,they have an article about transvestites who change his sex.this person takes hormone pills which is called marvelon.this pills will help to increase female hormone.they also take 'pil perancang'.
but when they become old,it causes bone cancer.

August 22, 2009 at 11:42 PM  
Blogger polaris said...

hello.. i'm ain..

based on the highly publicized cases involving transgender persons, such as the Brandon/Tina case that was the basis for the movie "Boys Don't Cry", it is likely that there are both stereotypes about and prejudice against this population. people working in the criminal justice system such as judges, juries, police and correction officers may also have misconseptions of and prejudice against transgender individuals, such as the false notion that all transgender inmates are homosexuals or malingerers. research that examines these perceptions would be helpful in determining where the misconceptions lie and could help determine the types of discrimination transgender offenders face in the criminal justice system, if any.

for example, a defendant's transgender status could affect decisions to arrest, influence jury verdict decision-making and could lead to disproportionate sentences exceeding what is typical for the crime committed. to date, there is little if any empirical research that examines the verdicts against and the sentences given to transgender offenders in relation to their crimes. this research is crucial to gain insight as to whether transgender offenders are treated differently than nontransgender individuals for similar crimes.

September 12, 2009 at 9:53 AM  
Blogger polaris said...

hello, iam fadila..i was interest about farhana the transvite who take the pills is men???

i think they is men..bcos they use the pills tu increase female hormones so they can be more gebetic like women...

so, i feel that more of transvites was married and do the sex relation...

September 12, 2009 at 11:36 PM  
Blogger polaris said...

hello, i am fadilla... i want to share about some of effect of transgender

There have a several effect of transgender. This issue can give effect to individual, religion and society. Firstly, from the individual aspect, the person who being transgender can get some disease like HIV and sexual disease. Especially when some of them was married ur couple with same gender; man do the sex relation (not opposite sex). Beside that, they also hard to get a job and being discrimination victim. Transgender also can destroy the value in religion like ‘murtad’, out from Islam when the man become woman and it break are rules in Islam law. They will do the wrong relationship like homosexual ur bisexual that was not accept in any religion. In the other hand, this phenomena also can being effect to society. The statistic of prostitude in this society will increase when woman, transvestite and transgender be prostitude. The social ill in society like gay club or port and freedomship will being bad. In conclusion, this issue must be solve and get attention from any person like family, society and goverment before it become more worse to new generation.

so..i hope it can be information to alll..

September 12, 2009 at 11:39 PM  
Blogger polaris said...

hi my friend..
The person who be transgenders can get the disease effect where they do some the sexual relation with same gender(men UR womwn)..

Here, i wan to show the statistic the transgender who get HIV..


Table 1. Sample characteristics

Variable MTF FTM total
(n 5 49) (n 5 32) (n 5 81)

Age (M) 29.1 26.4 28.0

Race (%)

African-American 72.9 60.0 67.9

Multiracial 10.4 13.3 11.5

Biracial 6.3 13.3 9.0

(including Hispanic
and white) 10.5 13.4 11.5

Highest grade
attended (M) 11.4 12.1 11.7

Sexual orientation (%)

Homosexual 34.7 84.4 54.3

Heterosexual 36.7 12.5 27.2

Bisexual 16.3 3.1 11.7

(including asexual
and don’t know) 12.2 0.0 7.4

* MTF : Male to female

* FTM : Female to male

The data presented in this paper are based on a needs assessment study conducted in Philadelphia in 1997.

September 12, 2009 at 11:48 PM  
Blogger polaris said...


September 12, 2009 at 11:49 PM  
Blogger polaris said...

hello..i'm ain.. people always ask,is being transgender a mental illness?

the answer is NO, but this remains a stereotype about transgender people. Gender Identity Disorder is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-4th Edition (DSM-IV), a guide used by mental health professionals to diagnose psychological conditions.

Transgender identity is not a mental illness that can be cured with treatment. Rather,
transgender people experience a persistent and authentic difference between our assigned
sex and our understanding of our own gender.

For some people, this leads to
emotional distress. This pain often can be relieved by freely expressing our genders,
wearing clothing we are comfortable in, and, for some, making a physical transition
from one gender to another.

For people who identify as transsexual, counseling alone, without medical treatment,
is often not effective.

Our society is, however, very harsh on gender-variant people. Some transgender people
have lost their families, their jobs, their homes and their support. Transgender children
may be subject to abuse at home, at school or in their communities. A lifetime of
this can be very challenging and can sometimes cause anxiety disorders, depression
and other psychological illnesses. These are not the root of their transgender identity;
rather, they are the side effects of society’s intolerance of transgender people.

September 13, 2009 at 12:30 AM  
Blogger polaris said...

For many transgender individuals, the lack of congruity between their gender identity and their birth sex creates stress and anxiety that can lead to severe depression, suicidal tendencies, antisocial behavior, and/or increased risk for alcohol and drug dependency. Transitioning, the process that many transgender people undergo to bring their outward gender expression into alignment with their gender identity, is a medically necessary treatment strategy that effectively
relieves this stress and anxiety.


September 13, 2009 at 12:40 AM  
Blogger polaris said...

yes, of course it not true..the transgender is not come from illness.. it biologicaly..majority of the transgender become like this bcos they have are women instinct from a child..but we cannot see much..we just see there as soft men which play with girl..they become transgender when grow, we canot blame it come illness.

September 13, 2009 at 1:09 AM  
Blogger polaris said...


September 13, 2009 at 1:09 AM  
Blogger polaris said...

hi friend,

the transgender person can get a negative long term health effect. This is cause when to the do the transgender surgery can affect the physiology. Although the surgery to remove genital have a little risk to physical, but the drug user to fasten change the gender will give a seriously effect. It can cause the increase of body weight, loose the muscle and always feel tired. Most of transgender do the surgery to change their gender in out country. Thailand is the popular place that this transgender person to do the surgery. This is because Malaysia not allowed their citizen or surgery specialist do changer gender. So, it need much money and not enough time to get a motivate about the procedure. This problem will affect they healty because they dont know enough about the risk will become from the surgery.they not get enough motivation about it.

by fadila

October 12, 2009 at 10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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February 1, 2019 at 5:25 PM  

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