Monday, October 12, 2009


transgender have to types which is transvestites and khunsa.transvenstite as known as mak nyah or pondan while khunsa is the person who have two genital.
What can we conclude on this issue is, transgender is minority causes that occur in our community. slowly..but if we are not playing our role to prevent this, this will become even worse that we cant't imagine.
what can we divide to the causes of this issue is 4 major factors which is biological causes, environment causes, psychology causes and cultural causes.
what ever it is, transgender can bring effects at the same prevent this issue is not easy as we think because everyone should plays their role.we should educate our self to become knowledgable so that we cant easily blame them,discriminate them and judge them without knowing the truth about transgender person.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Can We Be Supportive of Transgender Family Members, Friends, or Significant Others? (SOLUTION)

Hello..i'm ain..

firstly, we should aducate ourself about transgender issues.

Second, we should be aware of our attitudes concerning people with gender-atypical appearance or behaviour.

Third, we need to use names or pronouns that are appropriate to the person's gender presentation and identity; if in doubt, ask their preference.

Four, do not make assumptions about transgender people's sexual orientation, desire for surgical or hormonal treatment, or other aspects of their identity or transition plans. if we have a reason to need to know, just ask them nicely.

Next is, do not confuse gender dysphoria with gender expression: Gender-dysphoric males may not always appear stereotypically feminine, and not all gender-variant men are gender-dysphoric; gender-dysphoric females may not always appear stereotypically masculine, and not all gender-variant women are gender-dysphoric.

Then, we need to keep lines of communication open with the transgender person in our life.

Next, get support in processing our own reactions. it can take some time to adjust to seeing someone who is transitioning in a new way. having someone close to us transition will be an adjustment and can be challenging, especially for partners, parents, and children.

Last but not least, transgender people need to seek support in dealing with their feelings. Mental health professionals and support groups for family, friends, and significant others of transgender people can be useful resources.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


i am fadila
i want to share about the meaning of transvestites..

transvertism is not new phenomena now. this word 'tranvestism' was coined as late as 1910s.

transvestism(also can be called transvertisim) is the practise to cross-dressing, which is wearing the clothing of the opposite sex.

transvestite is refers to a person who cross-dresses, however the word often has additional connotation.

Monday, August 17, 2009


INCARCERATED TRANSGENDER PEOPLE?? WHERE SHOULD THEY GO?? ain..i want to share with you some information about the effects of transgender.

let me share with you.. The term 'transgender' has most recently used to unify people with transgender identities including a wide variety of subpopulations that differ from traditional, existing gender norms. Transgender offenders encounter significant problems in the criminal justice system. some of the problems they encounter include the classification of their gender for incarcaration, access to health care and potential stereotyping by legal decision-makers. however, there is little psychological research on or legal scholarship regarding the forensic issues faced by this important and complex population.

Courts have typically categorized and placed transgender inmates according to their biological genitalia, such as in Littleton v. Prange (1999), Meriwether v.Faulker (1987), and powell v. Shriver (1999).

The U.S Bureau of Prisons has developed guidelines for handling arrests and incarceration of transgender inmates that is consistent with these decisions. therefore, biologically male transgender offenders with female gender identity are typically incarcerated in a male facility (prison). Inmates who realize their transgender identity after they are incarcerated would have the same concern.

These transgender inmates may be at risk for abuse by correctional officers and other inmates. The supreme Court considered violance againts transgender inmates in Farmer v. Brennan (1994), where it held that a prison official violates an inmate's Eighth Amendment rirgts only when the official is subjectively aware of the risks of harm toward an inmate and purposefully ignores that risk-establishing a high burden of proof for the abused inmate. this potentially increased vulnerability to violence could result in constant fear for transgender inmates or other negative psychological effects.

However, little empirical researh has examined the effects of imprisoning transgender offenders based on biology, the prevalence of violence againts transgender inmates or the unique psychological problems they may experience while incarcerated.

Monday, August 3, 2009

what causes transgender ?

so what causes transgender in the 1st palce?there are some cuses that we want to share with you.

Theories of both psychological and biological causality have been forwarded and it is quite likely there are different causes for different individual

Lately, strong research suggests that an incorrect amount of miss-timed secretion of male hormone during stages of fetal development may create a transgendered individual - whether male or female. Biologically, nature will produce a female unless male androgens are supplied at the right times and in the right amounts. There are physiological and mental gray areas between male and female "absolutes".

but the truth is...Transgenderism is a behavior and not an illness, mental or otherwise. They are not suffering from Multi-Personality disorder or Schizophrenia. The behavior is simply an expression of who they are; it is as intrinsically harmless as having blue eyes.

these are some picture we want to share with you guys about peope who having transgender problem and tend to change his sex,before and after surgery...


Saturday, July 25, 2009



we are from POLARIS group member.we are from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as known as UKM,Bangi and all of us is 1st year student.
from left - Fadilla,Farhana,Ain
We're taking English for Social Sciences and out lect is Madam Hafizah.
In this blog we will talk about Identity Crisis : How identification is overused and misunderstood and how its impact to the person and community


hello!im farhana...i want to share some meaning about identity crisis that we discuss about.

a disorientation concerning one's sense of self, values, and role in society, often of acute onset and related to a particular and significant event in one's life

WORDNET-distress and disorientation (especially in adolescence) resulting from conflicting pressures and uncertainty about one's self and one's role in society

WIKIPEDIA-The identity is "a subjective sense as well as an observable quality of personal sameness and continuity, paired with some belief in the sameness and continuity of some shared world image. As a quality of unself-conscious living, this can be gloriously obvious in a young person who has found himself as he has found his communality. In him we see emerge a unique unification of what is irreversibly given--that is, body type and temperament, giftedness and vulnerability, infantile models and acquired ideals--with the open choices provided in available roles, occupational possibilities, values offered, mentors met, friendships made, and first sexual encounters." (Erikson, 1970.)
According to Erikson's stages, the onset of the identity crisis is in the teenage years, and only individuals who succeed in resolving the crisis will be ready to face future challenges in life. But the identity crisis may well be recurring, as the changing world demands us to constantly redefine ourselves. Erikson suggested that people experience an identity crisis when they lose "a sense of personal sameness and historical continuity". Given today's rapid development in technology, global economy, dynamics in local and world politics, one might expect identity crises to recur more commonly now than even thirty years ago, when Erikson formed his theory